Masonary Bees
Posted on 16th April 2020 at 13:27
We have been receiving a number of calls from customers regarding wasps recently.
Although wasps are currently out and about, it is very early in the season and most of our call outs at the moment turn out to be bees, primarily masonary bees.
As you can see from the picture there is a difference, masonary bees (left) are a solitary bee although you may see many grouped together.

Masonary bees will usually live within holes, crack or crevices in brick work. They will mostly be seen collecting food for their larvae and returning to these sites to feed them, masonary bees are not an aggressive bee and do not possess a sting that can cause harm to humans.
If you are seeing possible masonary bee activity there is no need to worry and the bees can be left without treatment
If you are seeing wasp activity (right), however, contact us now and we can carry out a fully guaranteed treatment.
We are RSPH level 2 qualified and trained and licensed in the use of insecticides. We hold comprehensive public liability insurance and a registered member of the NPTA.
07525 850347
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